Setting a target is a routine method in project management to provide focus for your effort.  The regeneration and improvement of our town is no different.  

However, we do need to ensure that everyone involved is working towards the same target. That means the council, business organisations and the community are all talking together, working together and celebrating successes together as we work towards our ultimate goal.

Possible Targets for Dewsbury


Cittaslow started in Italy ('citta' means city) as a resistance to the fast food and then the convenience culture and the retention and clawing back of quality of life.

logo for cittaslow

Since then it has spread to include every feature of urban living with the aim of maintaining and improving every aspect of the quality of life.

Cittaslow seems to be the most developed of the frameworks with stated aims to allow people to:

  • appreciate and control their time and the natural seasons.
  • respect people's health, the authenticity of local craft products, art and, of course, good food.
  • appreciate the public realm of architecture, shops, cafes, restaurants, religious worship with respect for traditions and the natural world.

The Dewsbury Partnership is proposing that Dewsbury work towards Cittaslow standards with the ultimate aim of achieving quality accreditation.  

There are currently 147 Cittaslow towns in 24 countries across the world making Cittaslow an internationally recognised standard.  There are currently only 6 UK towns with Cittaslow accreditation.

Ready to use

Cittaslow provides a ready-to-use framework for the whole community and particularly our community groups to work towards in order to achieve incremental improvement in the quality of our urban environment.


Cittaslow has 69 specific goals to be achieved across the whole spectrum of quality of life.

A. Environmental Goals

A1 Apparatus to test air quality and report on conditions
A2 Policies to maintain the quality of water supplies and ensure pollution free water in rivers and waterways
A3 Plans for the implementation of new composting technology and the promotion of home composting
A4 Mechanisms to measure light pollution and action plans to reduce it
A5 Incentives to encourage the use of alternative sources of energy
A6 Mechanisms to measure electromagnetic pollution and action plans to reduce it
A7 Apparatus to measure noise pollution and policies to reduce it
A8 Policies to eliminate advertising and signage clutter
A9 Application of a formal Environmental Management System
A10 Participation in and support for local Agenda 21 projects

B. Infrastructure Goals

B1 Existence of well maintained public green spaces
B2 Development and implementation of an integrated traffic management and access strategy that addresses the needs of pedestrians and conserves the historic character of the town
B3 Disability friendly access to public places and public offices
B4 Infrastructure that facilitates alternative mobility such as walking and cycling
B5 Easily accessible public conveniences
B6 Places throughout the town for people to sit down and rest
B7 Customer friendly and uniform opening hours for all council offices
B8 Provision of a Public Relations service to answer media and other queries about the town
B9 Provision of a customer response service to answer public queries about Cittaslow
B10 Initiatives that encourage local businesses to open at times that coincide with local residents’ needs

C. Urban Fabric Goals

C1 Plans to promote the maintenance, conservation and enhancement of historic areas, buildings and artifacts of cultural and local significance
C2 Policies to protect property and ensure the safety of the community
C3 Initiatives to encourage the use of recyclable or reusable crockery and cutlery in local establishments
C4 Policies to ensure effective litter and waste management including the provision of sympathetically designed litter bins
C5 Initiatives to plant environment enhancing plants in public and private gardens
C6 Provision and promotion of interactive websites where the public can communicate with the administrators of the town
C7 Policies to promote eco-friendly architecture
C8 Production of a Town Plan, Conservation Area Appraisal, Town Design Statement or similar to promote appreciation of historic centres and to make them user-friendly

D. Local Produce & Products Goals

D1 Maintenance of an up to date register of locally produced goods and producers within the natural hinterland of the town
D2 Organisation of events and training to raise public awareness and appreciation of local cultural and artistic traditions and skills
D3 Policies to encourage and provide space for farmers and organic markets
D4 Policies to increase awareness of good food and nutrition
D5 Educational programmes to encourage and support organic, traditional and sustainable farming
D6 Policies to preserve and support unique local foodstuffs
D7 Policies to encourage organic farming and the independent quality certification of produce and products
D8 Initiatives to create awareness of traditional foodstuffs
D9 Policies to protect and support goods and produce that represent local traditions

E. Hospitality & Community Goals

E1 Commitment to develop a local Slow Food convivium
E2 Provision of multi-lingual signposting and visitor information
E3 Provision of customer service training for all those providing services to visitors
E4 Development and maintenance of well marked tourist routes with interpretation and information
E5 Production of printed guides about Cittaslow in the town
E6 Promotion of a wide cross section of social events, sports clubs and volunteering opportunities for the whole community
E7 Provision of managed car parks in areas offering easy access to the town centre
E8 Promotion of special local events to encourage local people to enjoy local facilities and participate fully in community life
E9 Promotion of local initiatives that link into Cittaslow goals and principles

F. Cittaslow Awareness Goals

F1 Maintenance of a Directory of local organisations contributing to the aims and objectives of Cittaslow
F2 Display of the Cittaslow logo in public places and on official documents
F3 Promotion of the movement’s aims and objectives to local residents and visitors
F4 Maintenance of a website that illustrates how Cittaslow themes are applied in the town
F5 Promotion of family life and healthy living for all age groups
F6 Provision of monitoring systems and budgets to enhance the town’s score against the Cittaslow membership goals
F7 Collation of media coverage relating to Cittaslow in the town
F8 Initiatives to involve local businesses, organisations and opinion formers in promoting Cittaslow and enhancing the town’s performance against the membership goals
F9 Policies to encourage schools, hospitals, community facilities and local businesses to use local produce, products and services

Purple Flag

An alternative approach but using the same principle of aiming to achieve an accreditation would be to aim for Purple Flag status.

logo of the Purple Flag accreditation

logo for Transition Network

Transition Town

Transition is a movement of communities coming together to reimagine and rebuild our world. Here we explain what it is, why people do it, how the movement started and give you a sense of our underpinning principles and approach…

The Place Standard Tool

The Place Standard tool lets communities, public agencies, voluntary groups and others find those aspects of a place that need to be targeted to improve people's health, wellbeing and quality of life.

This sees to suffer from the problem that you are asking the community to help the council complete the council's measurement tool.  Compared to Cittaslow where community groups are aiming to achieve their own objectives which just happen to coincide with the bigger targets.

Interested in a better life in a better Dewsbury?


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