How You Can Help

 Make Things Happen in Dewsbury!

Not enough happening for you in town?

  • community events are one of the best ways to get people together
  • But putting them on is hard work
  • But we've got a way where you can help do something about that.

If You Want Something Doing

- 'Best Do It Thissen'

For five years The Dewsbury Partnership organised the Christmas Lights before deciding it was time to hand over to another group who might want to have a go.  But we are continuing to support community activities with revenue from this lottery.

No time to volunteer?

Yes, we know that you've probably GOT NO TIME. You've got a family - and one of those time gobblers called 'a job' - and pets - and a garden and all the other reasons that mean you have difficulty helping out no matter how much you might want to.

And here's the answer: including your chance to WIN BIG!

Our own local lottery

Your chance to WIN CASH every week - while supporting your favourite town 

And help The Dewsbury Partnership 

to support more groups with more events

PRIZES drawn from 

£30,000 Annual Prize Pot

  • 10,000 drawn in March
  • £5,000 drawn in June
  • £10,000 drawn in September
  • £5,000 drawn in December
  • 31 Guaranteed Weekly Prizes
  • 1 x £1,000  every week
  • 4 x £25 every week
  • 26 x £10 every week

Looks Interesting - but you're not sure?

I don't like doing financial stuff online

No problem.  Just click here to download and print a paper form and follow the instructions to return it to us.

My culture does not allow lotteries

We're working on a way for you to support us without taking part in the lottery.  You can support us with a regular gift.

Easy to join

Subscription is by secure Direct Debit. Just fill in the form either online or on paper and we will take care of the rest.  The Lottery provides long term, reliable funding for The Dewsbury Partnership as well as giving you a bit of fun.  You can subscribe with anywhere between 1 and 6 tickets.  Unhappy with that sort of commitment? - don't worry,  we will still be fundraising by other means and you will have other, short term,  opportunities to support individual events.

What's In It For You?

A bit of fun - you always have the chance of winning one of the lottery cash prizes - every week, or month or even one of the four seasonal Jackpots!

Knowing that when you are giving ...your community is winning.   Every subscriber is a long term win for community events in Dewsbury.

Just 200 annual subscribers with 1 ticket will return £12,480 per year.  

Enough to fully fund 1 event every year.  But why stop at 1 when you can join with up to 6 tickets.

300 annual subscribers brings in £18,727 per year -

Enough for 2 or maybe 3 events if we can get other funding.  

Beyond that, the sky's the limit.  

If we can make this really interesting and amusing there's no telling where this might go - and how Dewsbury really can stand on its own feet.

Join now to help us deliver some really special community activity and entertainment in Dewsbury!

Payment is by Direct Debit.  You do not require a credit or debit card.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who runs the lottery?

What are the prizes?

Where can I find the winners?

Why is the monthly payment an odd number?

Copyright © The Dewsbury Partnership


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