First Time Publishers
Event Organisers
GoDewsbury is set up so that Event organisers can publish information about their own events absolutely FREE. That way 'many hands make light work'! This is easy to do and if you can manage word processing software then you can manage this.
Get your events published in What's On: - like this:

On the first occasion just click on 'Publish your Event' and you will be taken to a registration page where you need to register so that we know where the information is coming from and, of course, you are expected to keep everything clean and acceptable to the wider community.
Once registered you will have a username and password of your own and then you just login each time you want to add an Event.
If you run into any trouble then just use the Contact page to drop me a line and I will help you sort it out.

When you go to Add An Event you will be taken to the Login page. There is a rather inconspicuous link to Register for first time users at the bottom left.
On the Registration page you can create your own Username and register an active email address. The site will then send an email to the address you provide that will look like this:

Click on the link to a page where you will be asked to confirm your username and a password. The suggested password will be Strong. Regrettably this is necessary these days to keep the bad guys out. You can change the password to something you prefer but do, please, keep it Strong.
During this process you will have the opportunity to add more details about yourself including your First and Last Name. Please do this so that we have a personable, friendly community - this is not a secret society!
Once you have your username and password you can login and:
Community Groups
Community and support groups can drop me a line using the Contact page and I will add your group to the Community/Groups page where people can find you easily.
People love images.
Images get attention and you should have one related to your event ready to upload before you start - though you can come back and add it later if you must.
Big images are best and the best size is 1040 pixels wide and 220 pixels or more deep. If you are able to then I suggest you make your image this specific size before you upload. It doesn't matter if it is not that wide.
Resolution should be 72 pixels. The web needs far lower resolution than for print which is usually 300px and using 72px resolution reduces the file size dramatically - which makes it load faster - which is good for the site. Nobody likes slow website responses.
Use this image as the Featured Image.
If this is your first time and we have not published anything from your organisation before then you may need to create the Organiser and the Location. Just fill in the required information if they are not already present and Save your work.
It is best to include all the relevant information, particularly an accurate address and phone number. The system draws all this information together when it publishes an event and if information is missing that could mean your potential audience not being able to find you or contact you.
If all this is a bit beyond you then think of some bright student you have in your group for whom tech stuff is probably second nature. But don't let any of this stop you from publicising your Event. Get it up there first and we can sort out the details later.
Something is always better than nothing!