A page for community groups, landlords etc to share what they have available that can be used, booked, shared or hired out in Dewsbury.

And  check out Comoodle, a project by Kirklees to share Stuff, Space and Skills.

logo of the Comoodle project

[thrive_toggles_group”][thrive_toggles title=”Surf ‘n Slurp” no=”1/6″] A community space made available by DC Flooring and Pixelle Print on the top floor of their premises in Kingsway Arcade. A large open space with seating, internet access and some catering facilities. Contact Paul Coates or Dale Hooley.[/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Central Space” no=”2/6″] The Sensory World Play Centre and Cafe also hosts community events.  Meeting space with screen and presentation equipment and full catering facilities.  Contact Linda Holmes on Tel: 01924 456152 or Mobile: 0780 1065589[/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Union House” no=”3/6″] Union House, 21 Union Street, Dewsbury – a community resource with meeting rooms, cafe and kitchen run by the Basement Project.[/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Bretton Street Enterprise Centre” no=”4/6″]Bretton Street Enterprise Centre, Bretton Street, Savile Town, Dewsbury.  [/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Connect Housing” no=”5/6″]Connect Housing are developing the ground floor of their property at into a community resource with meeting rooms, kitchen etc. Expected availability 2016. [/thrive_toggles][thrive_toggles title=”Phab Options Centre” no=”6/6″]Phab – The Options Centre, 7, George Street, Ravensthorpe, Dewsbury.  Rooms and facilities available. [/thrive_toggles][/thrive_toggles_group]

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