Dewsbury Town Deal Monitoring Report – 3 Oct 2024

Information about progress on the nine projects included in the Dewsbury Town Investment Plan has been hard to come by given all the changes occasioned by cost inflation and other problems.

However, the Town Board who took over in May 2024 from the Town Deal Board has now published a Monitoring Report with the Agenda for the meeting of 3 Oct. which contains an update on all 9 projects. The information varies from a quick summary to some in-depth financials so you can choose how deep you want to dive. 

Click the link to download a copy of the Dewsbury Town Deal Monitoring Report dated 3 October 2024.  We look forward to the Board continuing to publish useful information in an easily digestible form.

Town Board website

The Town Board is also making an effort to make information more easily available by publishing on a new website at  Unfortunately, they haven't quite got their act together yet so it is missing a lot of information.  We have drawn the Chair's notice to the deficiencies' and look forward to an improvement.


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