Dewsbury Town Park will be a new park created next to the Town Hall as part of the regeneration plans for Dewsbury.
The council has just launched an online consultation to obtain community feedback. Ideas for the design of the new park gathered from the consultation will ensure that it meets the communities expectations.
Space for the new park will be created by closing Longcauseway to vehicle traffic and the larger park design option includes the demolition of the Walsh Building. Customer services currently provided from the Walsh building will be relocated elsewhere in the town centre
The project is part of the Dewsbury Blueprint. The Town Park has a £6.25 million pound price tag as one of the projects included in the Dewsbury Town Investment plan submitted to the government at the end of January this year.

While waiting for government approval the council is getting ahead of the game with a community consultation on the design of the Town Park. This would enable final design and costing to go ahead so that no time is lost when the government decision is made.
So this is your chance to influence the design of Dewsbury Town Park. You can tell the council what you would prefer, why and any other comments you have - or even that you disagree entirely!
Whatever you think, you can make your voice heard!
Click the green button to go to the council's consultation where you can find the whole story about Dewsbury Town Park and all the options.
You can also speak to a council officer directly about the plans for Dewsbury Town Park. They will be available in a shop unit next to the Market gates on market days (Wed and Sat) between 10am and 4pm.