Business Incubator

The following features all exist right now in Dewsbury.  So how do we connect them up to provide an environment in Dewsbury to support small business startups by young people in a business incubator?

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    Kirklees College with a Dewsbury campus are hosts to the Peter Jones Enterprise Academy
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    Kirklees Markets already cooperates with Kirklees College on Youth Markets to give young entrepreneurs (18-29) experience of selling in the real world.
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    We have multiple empty retail shops and other premises in the town that could provide low cast start-up retail space with support from local landlords.
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    Business incubators offering shared office space and business support are running successfully in Union Street, Sheffield  and Duke Studios, Leeds
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    We have 81 members of the Federation of Small Businesses in Dewsbury. The FSB supports small start-ups by providing mentoring by established small business owners.

Got some suggestions or ideas?  Leave your comments below.


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