The Black Bull was purchased by Mood Developments in October 2017 – a company which specialises in the refurbishment of Heritage pubs.
Planning Application 2018/90377 was submitted 12 February 2018. Click the link for access to all details. Public consultation runs from 12 February to 10 March 2018. So if you have anything to say then get cracking!
The plans show both a comprehensive restoration of the building to provide a quality venue and the addition of a first floor function room overlooking Market Place. A fully accessible disabled toilet has been added on the ground floor and by adding a spiral staircase within the yard as a fire escape the whole first floor will be accessible to the public.
The Conservation/Heritage Assessment is particularly interesting including 4 maps of the town centre from 1855, 1893, 1894 and 1958 together with an early 20th century planning drawing showing the stabling and a tobacconist shop.
Looks like good news for the Market Place if it brings a landlord who cares about their trade and the place they do business, unlike many others in the area.
What we think:
If we can see it then it should be worth looking at!
Update - 14 July '18
Mood Developments confirm that contracts are being placed and work should start by September. With a bit of luck the Black Bull should be re-opening around Christmas or early next year as a traditional pub over 2 floors and serving food.
Word is that the old Bailey's next door is also due for a makeover and should be back in business next year.
Update - 24 Nov '18
The scaffolding going up today in preparation for work starting on Monday. There have been a number of hitches with the administration but Peter Mason, director of Mood Developments confirms all obstacles have now been cleared.
Regrettably, the delays mean the opening date is pushed back to something like Easter 2019.
The old Bailey's cafe to the left has now been confirmed as a new branch of Frankie's Burgers American style restaurant that operates very successfully in Batley. This is also expected to open early in 2019 together with The Cake Box, a new cake shop, at 18 Market Place.
The shuttering and blue screen on the right of the photo is the work in progress to refurbish the 2 gazebos in the Market Place and with all this work being finished early in 2019 this part of Dewsbury is going to take on a whole new look.