The Dewsbury Partnership Is Alive!

Forty two Dewsbury residents, business owners and community leaders turned out on 12th April for the launch of The Dewsbury Partnership.

Following a buffet provided by The Real Junk Food Project, Dewsbury they watched a presentation on the need for local people, businesses and groups to cooperate together both;

  • to identify what the people of Dewsbury want to see in terms of developments in the town and;
  • to create a coordinated voice to push their message wherever it is required.

The presentation was followed by a Question and Answer session about some of the ideas being suggested after which the attendees voted unanimously to adopt the proposed constitution (click the image to the right to download).

Six residents then volunteered to act as committee members in order to bring the constitution into effect.

image of a document

Click to download the Constitution

Attendance including the following:


Callaloo Carnival Arts

Connect Housing

Dewsbury Diner

Dewsbury Massage Therapy

Disken & Co

John Greenwoods

Hunters Est. Agts

New Horizons

Oak & Acorn Properties

Real Junk Food Proj

Springfield Training


Community Catalysts

Dewsbury Matters

League of Friendship

Methodist Church

New Friends of D'bury Cmtry

Ravensthorpe Com Cntr

Soroptimists Intl

Street Angels

WY Police


8 individuals

Watch this space for developments as The Dewsbury Partnership maps out the way forward.


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