Reason For Concern in Dewsbury

We have any number of problems to deal with here in Dewsbury and if we are to produce effective solutions then we need to understand the problems.  

Here are some maps published by Kirklees ​showing how Dewsbury figures in comparison with national figures for income, deprivation, health, crime, education etc.

Red shading indicates among the worst 10% in the country​

Yellow shading indicates among the worst 20% in the country​​

The maps below show the 3 wards making up Dewsbury.

Dewsbury West

Map of deprivation in Dewsbury West

Dewsbury East

Map of deprivation in Dewsbury East ward

Map of deprivation in Dewsbury East ward

Dewsbury South

Map of deprivation in Dewsbury South ward

Map of deprivation in Dewsbury South ward


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